Friday, August 22, 2014

Life through cigarettes and flowers

She smelt of cigarettes and flowers
With the world whizzing by in her minds eye
As she sat in the back of the blue car
She chose to skip breakfast and lunch to catch up on sleep
She munched on a juicy red apple instead
The world passed by as she looked out the window
“how lucky I am to travel at non-office hours” she thought to herself
The breeze on her face coupled with the intoxicating smell of rain on the concrete road
With lush green fields and factory smoke in the air, there’s no place else she’d rather be
Damn, Kumar just missed the turn.
"Ghumao ghumao ghumao"
Pick the boss up
Get to class.
Wow! She sees;
Kids being taught about racism and inequality
Asking them.. “what would you do?”
Critical thinking - high
Joyful kids, interested, hardworking,
All on task
The day just got better
Back to the coffee shop
Converse converse converse
Mindset skill will action next step praise positive plan data tangent
Move on
On the couch back home
With her fiancé by her side and dogs running around
Watching House and eating rice, dal, bhindi
With fried chicken nuggets
She smelt of cigarettes and love
Life is good this side of my world.
But only here

In my minds eye,
There’s a hundred sordid images and thoughts that bleed
they keep me up at night
Headless reporter,
Young girls captured to be wives
Zoom in to my country
Tiger shot dead
Shooting civilians in Assam,
3 year olds, gang raped and dead,
Hung from a tree for being born,
3200 women saved from trafficking, millions to go
Shakti mills rape, marine drive rape
Men killed for defending girls,
Man killed for feeding dogs,
Woman stripped and beaten for walking a dog,
Free country?
I don’t see it
56% kids in class 5 can’t read a grade 2 level text – in any language

45% kids in class 5 can't do a 2 digit subtraction problem
India Shining
Murderer in power
Looking to bring more money  without values
Export arms
Teach science though flying chariots
India Burning
She felt the night.

No one put the weight of the world on your shoulders.
But how can you let it go by?

Cigarettes, they kill.
Flowers, they heal
Love, it creates.

In between the creating, killing and healing,
You'll find your piece
What are you waiting for?



Arjun Janah said...

It's hard to express oneself in words after reading a moving poem, such as this. All I can say is "Thank you."

purple rain said...

Thank you so much!